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Top 3 Photography Tricks For Impressive Photos
You might be amazed by what you can do with a Digital SLR(DSLR) camera to create amazing photos. Shots of beautiful lights at night, ethereal falls, surf and clouds are all possible with long exposure methods. Some other tricks you're capable of doing without requiring Photoshop (or any other picture editing and enhancing software) include taking a shot of several bolts of lightning in the same photo, "disappearing" moving people from a photo, taking awesome infrared landscape scenes and more. Some methods require a specific filter but some need only the correct settings on your camera plus a tripod. Look at the video clip in the link at the end of this article to see a few examples of photos using these methods plus much more.
Let's talk briefly about some top things you can do using your camera to create wonderful and incredible shots without Photoshop.
Long Exposure Night Photography Tips
Most digital slr cameras have exposure settings that will allow you to increase the exposure time and the ones that don't usually have a "night mode" that can provide you with an exposure duration of two seconds. This will allow you to shoot moving lights during the night time for a longer time than a standard photograph generating light trails and other effects. You can experiment with shooting vehicle lights, carnival ride lights, fireworks, lightning and flashlight as well as sparkler lights that you move yourself to produce patterns or even trace and light up physical objects. 
When you photograph lights that you move yourself including torches, LED lights, fibre optic lights and sparklers, that's called "light painting" and may be used to produce incredible shots of light trails and the illuminated surroundings and fixed objects. Anything that is in constant motion and not lit up by the lights for more than a second or so will not show up in the photo.
One kind of long exposure photography you may have seen before is "star trails" which involves taking photos of stars with extra long exposure times. This involves getting a cable release (or shutter release) for your digital camera to permit the extra long exposure.
Long Exposure Daytime Photography Tips
Doing long exposure photography during daylight hours requires a particular filter to reduce the light considerably to allow for an extended exposure time. You can use a Neutral Density Glass filter or even an Infrared filter to achieve this affect in the day plus the Infrared filter is an excellent trick by itself for shooting mind-blowing shots. During the day time there are several things you may photograph using a long exposure time to create amazing pictures such as falls, surf and clouds to give them a misty, blurry, more enchanting appearance. You can also employ this method to capture scenes without the people that are there showing up in the photograph, when they are moving continuously, for example in a busy road with moving pedestrians.
Color Infrared Photography 
Some extraordinary pictures may be shot with Digital cameras with an infrared filter in daytime or nighttime. Such photographs usually look other-worldly or even magical and look like the colour has been modified with Photoshop. Not all digital cameras will be capable of this because many newer digital cameras remove infrared light. You can test if the digital camera has the capacity to take infrared shots by taking a long exposure picture of an infrared tv remote control's LED when you push the power button. If the light shows up brightly in the shot, get yourself an infrared filter to fit your camera and you will be good to go.
You will have to change your focus with the filter off and then adjust the white balance after you put it on in addition to increasing the shutter speed as the filter is quite dark. Skies and water should appear deeper and darker and trees and plants should appear white colored or blue/white in the infrared shots. You should also get the same long exposure results due to the darkness of the filter which can make for wonderful shots of falls, clouds, streams and waves.
Clearly, there are many different ways to take different, beautiful and amazing digital images using some simple methods and tools. Be sure you look at the video at the link below to view examples of photographs shot using these techniques as well as others.